NovaqPROTM is a super ingredient. A meta-analysis presented at the World Aquaculture Society Conference, Darwin Australia, 2023 showed that NovaqPROTM can improve growth by 39.3% in monodon and 51.6% in P. vannamei under controlled conditions.
Discovered by the CSIRO, and perfected and commercialised by Ridley, NovaqPROTM is the patent-protected game-changer that can make a real difference for shrimp producers around the world.
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Copyright © 2023 Ridley AgriProducts Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. PROPEL and NovaqPRO are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Ridley Agriproducts Pty. Ltd. NovaqPRO is protected by patents in Australia and other countries and a provisional patent has been filed in Australia in respect of technology relating to use of NovaqPRO as supplements. These patents are owned by CSIRO and have been licensed to Ridley Agriproducts Pty. Ltd.
The information in this document is exclusive to the products identified and for the use of Ridley AgriProducts Pty. Ltd. (RAP) customers. RAP believes the information is accurate and the advice is relevant for most applications in which the products may be used. If there is any doubt as to the circumstances in which these products are to be used, the customer must seek further advice. Subject to those terms implied by statute which cannot be excluded restricted or modified, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no responsibility to the customer or any other person is accepted for errors or omissions howsoever arising, including matters arising through negligence by RAP, it’s Directors, employees or agents.